I want to replace my twice-broken flipper with a dental implant
Although I thought it was best to get a partial denture instead of a dental implant, I am disappointed with my dentist. I paid my dentist to extract my tooth and give me a partial denture. After I went for the appointment, he said he changed his mind and wanted to try a root canal instead. But that did not work, so I needed an extraction anyway. I wore a temporary flipper partial, and it broke twice. My dentist is charging me for the root canal, extraction, and temporary flippers. He claims that I am at fault for breaking the flippers, but I know they were cheap. I want a refund and dental implants. But I do not understand the strategy for getting my lying dentist to cooperate. Before I ask for my dental records and switch to a new dentist, can you help? – Thank you. Kraig from PA
We are sorry to hear about the nightmare with your dentist. We recommend that you speak candidly with your dentist and list your concerns about what your dentist said he would do versus what happened.
Your dentist cannot charge you for two broken dental flippers and falsely claim that you are at fault, so don’t worry about that.
When you speak to your dentist, explain what action you will take if you do not get a refund:
- Contact your insurance company (if applicable) – Your dental insurance company wants to know if a dentist charges them for work the dentist did not complete. But they also want to know if an in-network provider is dishonest.
- Report the issue to the state dental board – Although the state dental board might not penalize your dentist, they will contact him to investigate the matter. Your dentist does not want to build a negative reputation with the state dental board.
- Hire an attorney – A dental malpractice attorney will be happy to contact your dentist, request a refund, and explain the what will happen if your dentist fails to cooperate.
- Leave negative online reviews – Particularly, dentists who have positive online reviews are concerned about their reputation. Many patients read reviews before choosing a new dentist. So your dentist might respond to your promise to write detailed negative reviews.
Finding a Dentist for Implants
Look for a dentist who is skilled in implant placement, restoration, or both. And ensure the dentist has advanced cosmetic dentistry training. Some dentists refer patients to an oral surgeon or periodontist for implant surgery. After a healing period, the dentist will restore your implant with a natural-looking crown. But the dentist must be skilled in cosmetic dentistry to match the crown to your natural teeth. Schedule a consultation with two dentists before you choose a provider so you can discuss your options.
Best wishes for a speedy resolution.
Thomas J. Goebel, DDS of Moline, IL, sponsors this post.
New crown fell off 4 times, and my dentist charged me for it
My dentist removed a large silver filling from a top left molar and put a crown over the tooth. My temporary crown came off three times within the almost three weeks that I wore it. Of course, my dentist reattached it each time. I received the permanent crown in mid-January, and I have returned to the dentist four times to bond it back on.
The color of the crown is off too, but my dentist said that it would cost $385 to correct it. I decided not to argue with him about the color. But I wonder if he is treating me fairly. Isn’t he responsible for the crown color?
Two weeks ago, the crown came off, and my dentist said he would order a new crown. The lady in the billing department said they would try to return the crown as defective so that I will not be charged for it. I politely but firmly told her that I am not paying for a crown that does not fit and is the wrong color.
Last Thursday was my appointment for a new crown, my dentist drilled on the tooth and said he was reshaping it, inserting posts, and making new molds, so there was no new crown for that appointment, and I have to wait. When I was checking out, the billing rep told me that I owed money because my insurance would not cover the crown. The cost is $385, which my dentist initially said he would charge to correct the crown color.
I paid for the crown with a credit card because I hope there is a way to cancel the whole thing and get my money back. They tricked me, and I feel that I allowed it to happen. But I have no plans to return to the dentist. Can I stop this process and somehow get a refund? – Micah from Indiana
What an experience you’ve had with your dentist! It’s among the worst we have heard this year. Your dentist’s policy to charge you so that he can correct his mistakes is unethical.
When Your Dental Crown Is the Wrong Color
If your dental crown is the wrong color, your dentist has not met his or her service agreement. You expect a crown that fits well, is in harmony with your bite, and matches your natural teeth. And it is your right as a consumer to receive what you paid for. It is the same with any major purchase. If you bought a new refrigerator with an ice maker, you expect all components to work. If the ice maker is defective, the seller will not charge you an extra fee for a new refrigerator with an ice maker that works. Please do not settle on faulty dental work.
When Your Dental Crown Keeps Falling Off
When your dental crown keeps falling off, either your dentist prepared it so aggressively that it will not stay on, or your dentist did not build up the tooth enough to retain the crown. It seems that your dentist used posts to help stabilize your crown and build up the tooth with composite. If your dentist cannot secure your crown, it is time to get a second opinion.
How to Deal with a Dishonest Dentist
If your dentist is dishonest and you already paid for the service, there are several things you can do:
- Dispute credit card payment – If you paid with a credit card, contact your credit card company and dispute the charge.
- Find another dentist – Look for a cosmetic dentist. Although cosmetic dentistry is not a specialty, look at dentists’ websites and check their bios for post-graduate training in cosmetic dentistry. Your new cosmetic dentist might be willing to help you get a refund.
- If your dentist does not refund you – Explain to your dentist that you agreed to a crown that fits well and matches your tooth. It is the standard of care that every dentist must meet. Also, tell your dentist that you are ready to report the issue to the state dental board. And complain to your dental insurance company and let them know your dentist is overcharging and submitting claims to them. You can also feel free to submit negative online reviews on your dentist’s Yelp, Google My Business, or Facebook pages.
We hope your dentist will cooperate and that you can quickly find a cosmetic dentist who restores your teeth with crowns that fit well and match your natural teeth. You may find a dentist with in-office, CAD/CAM technology to restore your teeth in one visit.
Best wishes.
Timothy J. Goebel, DDS, a cosmetic dentist in Moline, IL, sponsors this post.
Her porcelain veneers keep falling off, but are they really veneers?
Last December, my dentist ground down my upper front teeth for porcelain veneers. Although I’ve had this dentist since 2008, I regret trusting him for the work. And after researching online, he probably should not have recommended veneers for the issues with my teeth. Two teeth had slight chips, and one tooth was shorter than the other. I also wanted whiter teeth.
After my dentist reduced my teeth to stumps, I wore temporary veneers for almost three weeks. Then he bonded on the permanent veneers. In less than a month, a veneer popped off. My dentist is so kind that he asked me to come into the office the same day that I called, and he bonded the veneer on again. But again, in less than a month, another veneer popped off. My dentist says that he doesn’t know why the veneers are coming off. He asked me if I wear my night guard every night because grinding my teeth could be weakening the veneers. Of course, I wear my night guard, and I don’t believe that this issue is my fault. I noticed that when I slide my tongue across the backside of some of the veneers, I feel a ledge on them. Those veneers seem to come off more frequently.
Two weeks ago, a dental assistant called from my dentist’s office and said that my dentist wants me to come in so he can try something else to keep my veneers on. It sounds like he is guessing about the problem. I can tell that another veneer is loose and will come off soon, but I am nervous about returning to my dentist. Although he is kind, I know that kindness cannot correct this issue. Before I agreed to veneers, he told me that veneers would last 15 to 20 years, but if I must return to the dental office every month for the next 20 years, it is not worth it.
Why can’t my dentist figure out why the veneers are popping off? Will another dentist eventually need to remove them and give me crowns instead? Thank you. Tanya from Springfield, MO
Thank you for asking us about your cosmetic dentistry nightmare. We are sorry to hear about the anxiety and frustration your dentist is causing. Although Dr. Goebel would have needed to examine your teeth before your dentist ground them down, it is possible that teeth whitening and composite bonding would have revived your smile.
Based on your description, your dentist might be liable for malpractice. We have several concerns.
You Received Porcelain Crowns, Not Veneers
Unfortunately, some dentists tell their patients that they are receiving porcelain veneers, but the dentist gives them crowns instead. If your dentist ground your teeth down to stumps, that form of tooth preparation says that you received porcelain crowns—not veneers. Please consider these facts:
- A dentist removes only a half-millimeter or less of tooth enamel to prepare teeth for porcelain veneers, but your teeth are now stumps.
- Porcelain veneers are bonded to the front of your teeth only, and they will not adhere to teeth that a dentist reduces to stumps.
- You will not feel a ledge on the backside of a veneer, because the back of it is bonded to your tooth.
- You may feel a ledge on a dental crown’s backside if there is a problem with it.
Unfortunately, the facts show that you received dental crowns, but they are problematic because they keep popping off.
Why Do Porcelain Veneers and Crowns Keep Coming Off?
Porcelain veneers and crowns can come off due to over-preparation and incorrect bonding techniques.
- Over-preparation for veneers – Only a fraction of a millimeter of tooth enamel must be removed to ensure veneers fit well on the tooth and at the gumline. Too much preparation causes loose veneers that fall off.
- Over-preparation for crowns – Although your teeth must be shaved on all sides for a crown to fit over it, aggressive preparation results in a short, stubby tooth. And the crown is left with minimal tooth structure to adhere to (retention form), so it will loosen and come off.
- Bonding techniques – A dentist must apply enough bonding material for a secure attachment and remove any excess bonding material between your tooth and the restoration. And the composite bonding must be cured properly for porcelain veneers.
When Your Dentist Did the Wrong Dental Treatment
If your dentist does the wrong dental treatment, they are responsible for correcting it or compensating you to have another dentist fix it. You agreed to porcelain veneers, but your dentist gave you crowns. The results from your crowns make it clear that your dentist does not have the skill to do either veneers or crowns.
- Proper restoration – We believe that your dentist is responsible for paying to have your teeth restored correctly by an advanced cosmetic dentist who knows what they are doing.
- Future problems – Your dentist should also be willing to compensate you for issues you can experience in the future from excessive tooth preparation.
How to Get a Refund from Your Dentist
You can get a refund from your dentist by explaining that you did not receive the agreed-upon cosmetic treatment. If your dentist resists, you can inform him that you will report the issue to the state dental board. And follow through.
But first, we recommend that you find a dentist with advanced cosmetic dentistry training and experience. You can schedule consultations with two dentists to examine your teeth and discuss your options. After you select a cosmetic dentist, you can talk to your current dentist and ask for compensation. And your new cosmetic dentist may be willing to provide documentation and help you request a refund.
Dentists have malpractice insurance, so hopefully, your current dentist will agree to pay for your dental care. If you need to hire an attorney, the judge or arbitrator will likely grant you a substantial award.
Unfortunately, your dentist prepared your teeth so aggressively that you will still need dental crowns. Porcelain veneers will not stay on teeth that a dentist ground down to tiny stumps. But a skilled cosmetic dentist can recreate your smile with dental crowns and make it look beautiful and natural.
Best wishes.
Dr. Thomas J. Goebel, a cosmetic dentist in Moline, IL, sponsors this post.