Can’t Keep My Dentures In
I have been having massive trouble with my dentures not staying in. When I went in to see a dentist, he told me that most of the ridge is gone that supports the dentures. I’ve been wearing dentures for 23 years, even though I’m only 59 years old. I’m too embarrassed to go anywhere. Is there anything that can be done? The dentist I saw seemed to indicate it was too late.
Dear Evelyn,
I have some fantastic news for you! There is definitely a solution for what you’re going through. First, let me explain what has happened. When your teeth were first removed, your body instantly recognized that. In an effort to be as efficient as possible with your body’s resources it began to resorb the minerals in your jawbone that are no longer needed to help support any teeth roots. This way it can use those minerals elsewhere in your body where they may be more needed. It’s a beautiful design in efficiency.
The unfortunate side effect, though, is your jawbone begins to shrink. Eventually, as you are experiencing now, there is no longer enough jawbone left to retain your dentures, which depend on that bone. In dental circles, we call this facial collapse.
When you first lost your teeth, your dentist should have warned you about the long-term consequences of wearing dentures. However, there is nothing that can be done about the past, so… we move forward.
The Solution to Facial Collapse From Dentures
The first thing you’ll need to do is build back up the lost bone structure. This can be done with a bone grafting procedure. Once that is completed and healed, you have two choices. You can get dentures again. Just bear in mind that the whole process of facial collapse will start again. Second, you can get what is known as implant supported dentures.
With this procedure, you will have between four to eight dental implants placed, then after a period of time, allowing the bone to integrate with the implants and healing to take place, a set of dentures will be anchored to your dental implants. This will signal to your body that you still have teeth and it will leave your jawbone intact.
As a side benefit, you will also enjoy a higher quality of living. No longer will you have to worry about the dentures slipping or sliding. Plus, you can once again eat anything you want. Even the best fitting removable dentures will reduce your chewing capacity by 50%. With dental implants, that is no longer a problem.
This blog is brought to you by Moline Dentist Dr. Thomas Goebel.