(309) 277-3480
1601 River Drive
Suite 300, Moline, IL 61265
Beautiful Smile Makeovers, Advanced General Dentistry
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Dental Myths Debunked

Posted by Nicole

Woman SmilingAs you can imagine, we hear a lot of different things from the many patients we see regularly. Today, we’re here to clear the air on some of the popular dental myths we’ve heard over time. Some of them may even surprise you!

Dental Myth #1 – If You Swallow Chewing Gum, it Stays in Your System for Seven Years
Alright, let’s get this one straight – it doesn’t stick around in your stomach for seven years. The truth? Your digestive system is way more efficient than that. Chewing gum typically passes through your digestive tract like any other food, and it’s out of your system in a matter of days. So, chew away – sugar-free gum can help to prevent cavities. And, if you accidentally swallow it, worry not.

Dental Myth #2 – Sugar is the Sole Cause of Cavities
Sure, sugar plays a role in cavity formation, but it’s not the lone villain. The real troublemaker is the bacteria in your mouth that feeds on the sugar, producing acids. The acids are to blame for tooth decay. The main takeaway here is dental hygiene is important. If you are brushing and flossing the sugar away, you won’t give the bacteria a chance to form the cavity-causing acid.

Dental Myth #3 – White Teeth are Healthy Teeth
While a bright, white smile is appealing, it doesn’t always equate to perfect dental health. Discoloration or stains can happen for various reasons, and some issues could be lurking beneath the surface. Healthy teeth come in various shades, so don’t be too quick to judge a book by its cover. Regular checkups with your dentist will ensure your smile is not only bright but healthy too.

Dental Myth #4 – Brushing Harder Equals Cleaner Teeth and Gums
The idea of the harder the better when it comes to brushing might seem like a good idea, but it’s quite the opposite. Brushing too hard can lead to enamel wear, gum recession, and increased sensitivity. Gentle, circular motions are the way to go.

Dental Myth #5 – You Can Whiten Your Teeth with Lemon Juice and Baking Soda
DIY teeth whitening might sound like a cost-effective solution but beware of the lemon juice and baking soda combo. The acid in lemon juice can erode enamel, and baking soda, while mildly abrasive, won’t magically transform your teeth. Opt for professional treatments for safe and effective whitening. We offer both in-office and take-home treatments.

What did you think? Did you already know the truth, or were you surprised to learn it? Remember, when it comes to your oral health, knowledge is key! If you have any questions about caring for your teeth or overall oral wellness, be sure to talk with us at your next appointment!