My New Porcelain Veneers Are Too Short
Posted by AllSmiles
Last week my dentist completed a crown and six porcelain veneers. I wore temporary veneers for several weeks and decided to get the work done finally. The temporary veneers were too long, so I asked for the final veneers to be slightly shorter. My dentist let me look at the veneers before he cemented them on, but I didn’t get a good look at them. My teeth are too short, and one incisor is smaller than the other. I know I won’t be happy unless the veneers are redone. Is it a big deal to lengthen porcelain veneers, or will a dentist need to replace them? Thanks. Irina from IN
Thank you for choosing our office for your question.
The only way to make your porcelain veneers longer is to replace them. And it is a big deal for your dentist. But if you aren’t happy with the results, you should ask your dentist to replace them.
Most people get porcelain veneers because they want a beautiful smile. You paid for a new smile, and an experienced cosmetic dentist feels obligated to deliver it. Porcelain veneers cost thousands of dollars—and you should love them. Although your incisors should be similar in size and shape, they don’t have to be identical for them to look natural.
The Difference an Expert Cosmetic Dentist Makes

You mentioned that you briefly looked at your veneers—not long enough to notice that they are too short and that an incisor is too small. Although your dentist might practice cosmetic dentistry, an expert cosmetic dentist lets you examine your veneers before bonding them to your teeth. If you choose your current dentist for replacing your porcelain veneers, insist that he bonds them on after you’re delighted with your smile.
Reasons to get a second opinion from an advanced cosmetic dentist:
- Legally—and according to the dental society—if a dentist restores your teeth and the work is functional, they have met the standard of care, even if you don’t like your smile.
- If your dentist doesn’t want to replace your veneers, you don’t have legal leverage to insist he does so.
- Be respectful and persuasive if you decide to keep the same dentist. But if you want a smile without disappointment, look for an advanced cosmetic dentist.
Dr. Thomas J. Goebel, a Moline, Illinois cosmetic dentist, sponsors this post.